This post is Regarding Row_Number,RANK and Denserank. Row_Number:= Using this function one can retuen unique id to each row. RANK:-This function will return a unique number to each distinct row, but it leaves a gap between the groups. DENSE_RANK:-This function is similar to Rank with only difference, this will not leave gaps between groups.
it generates a unique id for each group and without repetition.
Using it one can encrypted message for security.Nowadays lot of methods which secure your information.Once encryption done there is method to get private and public key for decode that information. Those who have secret key that can decode that message.Encryption can be of most of all file i.e mp3,mp4,text,pdf and others. If you are trying to secure your information and handover to perfect receiver then use best cryptography methods.
WS-Security: This security on header of SOAP message in web service.One can secure webservices using this.WS-Security is primarily a specification for an XML-based security metadata container. It specifies a mechanism for transferring simple user credentials via the UsernameToken element.WS-Security presents an end-to-end solution for Web service security by keeping all security information in the SOAP part of the message.